Do the Right Things, Not Every Thing

Isn’t procrastination the root of all evil lack of success? Maybe it’s not that simple. In Procrastinate on Purpose, Rory Vaden argues that there’s a key difference between putting off what we know we should do and intentionally choosing to delay unimportant activities.

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Winners Often Quit and Quitters May Win

Happy 2016! I’m going to get back in the swing of posting book reviews (that’s what this blog is really for, after all) – expect a new review every two weeks or so.

My choice for the first book to review in the new year might seem incongruous. After all, I just posted a whole series on goal-setting and our collective energy around New Year’s Resolutions is still high. But think again! Today’s book, Mastering the Art of Quitting (now republished as Quitting), is all about pursuing the goals that really matter to you by consciously disengaging from outdated aspirations.

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Why is the Most Important Question

Why do some leaders gain a following and others don’t make a lasting impact? Why do many companies struggle to achieve and maintain success, while a few achieve astonishing customer loyalty and profitability? In Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, Simon Sinek argues that long-term success comes from a simple yet powerful concept – start with WHY.

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